Tryout chart for 2024/25 Season


Midwest Wings SC 2024/25 Season – Tryout information

2024-2025 Midwest Wings Tryouts - 2017-2011 Teams

Boys & Girls - Born 2011 thru 2017


Midwest Wings SC is a premier level program which competes in Indiana Soccer League and Illinois Leagues depending on the level of the teams and High School makeups between Illinois and Indiana players.

Our concentration is in our progression of development of players and teams. We focus on excellent skills and footwork introducing tactics when age appropriate and building on those tactics as teams and players develop. Our games are recorded with extensive information going to each player after every match. We use an evaluation program to give players good feedback and it features a self-assessment as well. Our scholarship is unique and provides long term Wings players the opportunity to attend ID camps and college camps as well as our platform where each player has an account to communicate with and search college programs.

We will be hosting our tryouts for all age levels in May 2024. Players should attend as many as possible to be sure coaches have a chance to access the player well.

Be a part of a family with coaches and players who care deeply for one another. Midwest Wings SC is more than just coming to train and play. It is a positive way of life for our families.